The Old Hag
Other names:
'Wicked Witch'
& 'Old Crone'
Snow White’s Witch, also known as the Old Hag, is quite the lady. She can be seen lurking around various Disney Parks around Halloween time. The Evil Queen uses this disguise to avoid attracting attention. That way she can plot against Snow White and the dwarfs in peace. Don’t be fooled by how nice she can be. She is as mean as she is ugly.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Complement the Hag on her magic spell, as the Queen transformed herself into this.
- Ask the Hag if she has an apple for you, for an apple pie you're making, just like Snow White was.
- Tell the Hag she is still the fairest one of all
Photo Tips
- Pose with an apple, like the one she poisened Snow White with
- Bring your own spellbook and ask the Witch to help you read it
Alter egos
parade appearances
selfiemeet appearances
Autograph Source
Old Hag's regular looks

Old Hag - Regular Look - 2000-... - Face - Basket 1
Old Hag - Regular Look - 2000-... - Face - Basket 1
Old Hag - Regular Look - 2000-... - Face - Basket 1

Old Hag - Regular Look - 2000-... - Face - Basket 2
Old Hag - Regular Look - 2000-... - Face - Basket 2
Old Hag - Regular Look - 2000-... - Face - Basket 2

Old Hag - Regular Look - 1978-... Mask
Old Hag - Regular Look - 1978-... Mask
Old Hag - Regular Look - 1978-... Mask
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