DCA - Agatha Harkness Immersive Trail
DLR - Disneyland Resort California



Agatha Harkness makes her debut direct from Westview and into the 2021 Oogie Boogie Bash!

Be sure to ask her how Sparky is..... 


Photo of the location

DCA - Ancient Sanctum where DCA - Agatha Harkness Immersive Trail took place.
DCA - Ancient Sanctum
DCA - Ancient Sanctum
DCA - Ancient Sanctum
DCA - Ancient Sanctum where DCA - Agatha Harkness Immersive Trail took place.

Main event

Related event

It was Agatha All Along!
Agatha Harkness in the Regular Look - 2021 - ... Outfit
Agatha Harkness in the Regular Look - 2021 - ... Outfit
Agatha Harkness in the Regular Look - 2021 - ... Outfit
Agatha Harkness in the Regular Look - 2021 - ... Outfit
Agatha Harkness in the Regular Look - 2021 - ... Outfit
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