DCA - The Amazing Spider-Man Stunt ShowDLR - Disneyland Resort California |

Look up! It's The Amazing Spider-Man above WEB at Avengers Campus testing out his new suit with some twists and tumbles.
It doesn't go completely well as Spider-Man takes a fall but his A.I., Sharon who is ready to carry out some tests on the suit and enters the WEB building.
Keep looking up as Spider-Man fly's across the sky in front of you and lands out of sight as we hear him say "the building broke my fall" and then he appears back on the stage!
But lets see more action as Spider-Man takes some swings and crawls down the wall ready to meet his Fans.
- DCA - WEB Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure - Roof
- 2021 Jun 4 - Ongoing
Photo of the location

Main event

Suit Test 1
Suit Test 2
Suit Test 3
Spider-Man Selfie Spot
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