TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails
TDR - Tokyo Disney Resort



Welcome to the trails of Lost River Delta at Tokyo DisneySea where you can explore 3 Jungle trails with Mickey and Friends.

Choice your trail to meet either Mickey Mouse looking for ancient artifacts, Minnie Mouse in her Nature Observation Tent or Donald Duck in the ruins of an ancient Temple.

Along each trail you will find fun activites to enjoy before you meet Disney Friends for a photo in the jungle setting. 


  • TDR - Lost River Delta
    • 2020 Jul 4 - Ongoing
    • 2011 Apr 28 - 2020 Feb 29

Photo of the location

TDR - Lost River Delta
TDR - Lost River Delta
TDR - Lost River Delta

Trails Map

Teotuunican Map
Teotuunican Map
Teotuunican Map
Teotuunican Map
Teotuunican Map
Mickey's Artifact Dig
TDR - Mickey's & Friends Greetings Trail Artifact
TDR - Mickey's & Friends Greetings Trail Artifact
TDR - Mickey's & Friends Greetings Trail Artifact
TDR - Mickey's & Friends Greetings Trail Artifact
TDR - Mickey's & Friends Greetings Trail Artifact
Mickey Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Mickey Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Mickey Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Mickey Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Mickey Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Minnie's Nature Observation Tent
TDR - MInnie's Nature Observation Tent
TDR - MInnie's Nature Observation Tent
TDR - MInnie's Nature Observation Tent
TDR - MInnie's Nature Observation Tent
TDR - MInnie's Nature Observation Tent
Minnie Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Minnie Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Minnie Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Minnie Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Minnie Mouse in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Donald's Temple Ruins
TDR - Donald's Ancient Temple
TDR - Donald's Ancient Temple
TDR - Donald's Ancient Temple
TDR - Donald's Ancient Temple
TDR - Donald's Ancient Temple
Donald Duck in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Donald Duck in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Donald Duck in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Donald Duck in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit
Donald Duck in the TDR - Mickey & Friends' Greeting Trails Outfit

Around the Trails

Progress Chart
Progress Chart
Progress Chart
Progress Chart
Progress Chart
Donald Artifact
Donald Artifact
Donald Artifact
Donald Artifact
Donald Artifact
Butterfly Chart
Butterfly Chart
Butterfly Chart
Butterfly Chart
Butterfly Chart
Observation Desk
Observation Desk
Observation Desk
Observation Desk
Observation Desk
Nephews Totem Pole
Nephews Totem Pole
Nephews Totem Pole
Nephews Totem Pole
Nephews Totem Pole
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