WDW - RunDisney 2024 - Wine & Dine 5kWDW - Walt Disney World |

The Wine and Dine 5k was back again for the 2024 edition of the RunDisney Wine and Dine Half Half Marathon Weekend. It was open to those aged 5 and older
This year's theme focused on the Muppets Swedish Chef [with characters appearing on the run, at the Expo, before the race and on the medal.] That doesn't mean other Disney characters weren't also part of the fun.
This year's event included:
- Start and finish at Epcot
- Route mostly through Epcot
- Characters meeting before, after and during the race
- Photopass available on the course and at pre/post character meets
Important information about this race
- Some meets were Photopass only
- Race bibs had to be picked up at the Expo the day before the race
- Pre-race character meets closed prior to the start of the race
- Camilla, Stephanie and Ethel (the muppet chickens) had the longest line
- WDW - Walt Disney World
- 2024 Nov 1
Photo of the location
Race Details
- Start Time: 5am
- Start Location: Epcot (Rocket parking lot)
- Finish Line: Epcot (Eve parking lot)
- Parks Run Through: Epcot
- Photopass Bib Code: 2024 WINE D5Kx xxxx
Resort Transportation
- Resorts to Start Line: 3:00am to 5:00am
- Finish Line to Resorts: 6:30am to 8:30am
Character Numbers
- Characters on the course: 7
- Pre/post race meets: 4 with up to 3 characters at each meet (if you count chickens)
- Character meets: 4
- Count: 5 corrals labelled A-E with A being the fastest
- Opening Time: All corrals opened at 3:45am
- Corral A: Closing Time 4:45am
- Corral B Closing Time 4:50am
- Corral C: Closing Time 4:55am
- Corral D: Closing Time 5:25am
- Corral E: Closing Time 6:00am
Main event

Mile Markers

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