DCA - San Fransokyo SquareDLR - Disneyland Resort California

Welcome to the newest culinary district of Disney California Adventure.

Superheroes are everywhere in San Fransokio, so no safer place to have a good lunch or dinner. Different restaurants and snack stands are surprising you with delicious food from all over the world. After you order, you just take a place on the different tables and enjoy the area and atmosphere!

Mexican, Chinese or just special San Fransokyo food: you can have it all!  You can even take a special look behind the scenes of a bakery and eat special Baymax-themed bread!

Speaking of our white friend: he and Hiro are loving this place and can't wait to have a talk with all the visitors! So don't miss a good chat and fist bump with them! Ba-la-la-la-la! 

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