DCA - WEB Slingers: A Spider-Man AdventureDLR - Disneyland Resort California

Spider-Bots on the run!
When Peter Parker, a WEB (Worldwide Engineering Brigade) engineer at their Californian headquarter, gets in trouble when a Spider-Bot he invented starts to replicate itself endlessly, he 'calls for help' to Spider-Man.
Together with our Spidey friend, you try to catch as much Spider-Bots as you can using a new WEB-engineering marvel: a WEB-Slinger.
With this technology, you travel through the entire Avenger Campus while catching all the Bots! Let's hope you and Spider-Man survive this chaos before Mr. Stark finds out!
If you can get out of this alive, Spider-Man is more than happy to thank you outside the building with some amazing stunts and a meet and greet!
So... good luck!
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