DLP - Space Mountain: Mission 2DLP - Disneyland Paris

10 years after 'Space Mountain: de la Terre à la Lune' opened in Disneyland Paris, a new mission was waiting for all guests.

The Moon was reached, now the Baltimore Gun Club was aiming to go much bigger: to the very edge of our universe.
After being shot into space, you experience high speed, sharp turns and even 360° loops to arrive at a big supernova.

When the situation gets too dangerous, you speed back home to arrive savely in Discoveryland.

With a new soundtrack, made by 'The Incredibles'-composer Michael Giacchino, new effects and a more intense start of the ride, guest were enthrilled by this new way of flying into space.

This mission ended on January 8, 2017. Now a new mission was started: to fly even further: to a Galaxy far, far away.

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