WDW - Mexico Pavillion

When you enter World Showcase, your first question should be: do I start at the left or the right side?
Maybe that old pyramid on your left might draw your attention? So join us and be welcome in Mexico!
Before you enter the pyramid, have a look at the restaurant at the opposite side of the road. In 'La Cantina de San Angel' you can enjoy a beautiful look at the lake (and the closing show at night).
But now it is time to explore the pavilion. After you discover a wonderful exhibition of Mexican art, you enter the 'Plaza de los Amigos', an old market place that's full of little shops. The ideal place to buy that Mexican souvenir you always wanted to take home with you.
Hungry? Try to make a reservation for the 'San Angel Inn Restaurante'. Here you enjoy a delicious meal next to an old river. People are sailing on it, close to the restaurant, but where do they go? Only Donald Duck will know, as he will take the boat passengers with him on a roadtrip through Mexico in 'The Gran Fiesta Tour Starring The Three Caballeros'.
As you exit the pavillion, after experiencing all the wonderful sights of the market place, it's time to explore more of the world. But not before Donald can wave you goodbye, wearing his favorite sombrero!
Till next time!
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