HKDL - Duffy and Friends Play Days 2025 |


Springtime at Hong Kong Disneyland brings all new Duffy and Friends Play Days!

These all new outfits in 2025 are full of color in pinks and blues to bring extra fun to the park during spring.

The outfits are seen at the Play Days events at the Train Station in Town Square, "The Joy of Sharing" Show at the Castle Stage and Guests can meet them at Duffy and Friends Playhouse!

Characters in this wardrobe

Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー)
Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー)
Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー)
Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー)
Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー)
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ)
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ)
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ)
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ)
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ)
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Stella Lou (ステラ・ルー)
Stella Lou (ステラ・ルー)
Stella Lou (ステラ・ルー)
Stella Lou (ステラ・ルー)
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