Cookie Ann (クッキー・アン)
CookieAnn met Duffy the Disney Bear while he was eating cotton candy, he bumped into her while she carried a huge stack of waffles and all their treats flew into the air. CookieAnn, being a baker, caught everything and turned it into a new recipe and friendship! CookieAnn was formerly known as Cookie, but her name was changed because she wanted a double name like her friends ShellieMay and StellaLou.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- You can ask CookieAnn baking tips, as she is a baker and loves baking sweets and sharing food with friends.
- Ask CookieAnn if she likes her new name better since she now has a double name too like her friends ShellieMay and StellaLou instead of just Cookie.
- Tell CookieAnn you would like to see her more often in Disney parks.
Photo Tips
- CookieAnn is a dog and loves to get affection. You can give her a hug
- CookieAnn is a baker, so pose as if you’re both baking something delicious!
Other characters in their stories
Cookie Ann (クッキー・アン)'s regular looks

Cookie Ann (クッキー・アン)'s outfits

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