Jim Hawkins
Jim Hawkins embarked on an adventure in Disney’s Treasure Planet. He went on an expedition to find the fabled Treasure Planet and hopes to use its wealth to better his mother’s life after her tavern was destroyed by pirates. Jim has a rebellious but also caring personality. He is brave, independent, and very intelligent and has incredible coordination abilities. Jim Hawkins has a busy life and is only able to make rare appearances in Disney parks.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Ask Jim if he wants to do a solar board race with you sometime. He built his first solar board when he was 8 and has been riding ever since.
- Ask Jim if he ever heard from the Silver again.
- Tell Jim you want to be part of his crew if he ever becomes a Captain like Amelia.
Other characters in their stories
parade appearances
special appearances
meetandgreet appearances
Jim Hawkins's regular looks

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