DLP - Heroic Encounter: Spider-Man
DLP - Disneyland Paris



Note: in 2018 only as part of the Signature Package


  • 2019 - DLP - Marvel: Season of Superheroes

Photos of the locations

DLP - Backlot
DLP - Backlot
DLP - Backlot
DLP - Production Courtyard where DLP - Heroic Encounter: Spider-Man took place.
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard where DLP - Heroic Encounter: Spider-Man took place.

Main event

Only as part of the Signature Marvel Package
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard
DLP - Production Courtyard
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Available for everyone
DLP - Backlot - Taxi
DLP - Backlot - Taxi
DLP - Backlot - Taxi
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
Spider-Man in Spider Universe in the Regular Look - 2018-... Outfit
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