DLP - It's a Small WorldDLP - Disneyland Paris

Join the happiest cruise that ever sailed 'round the world!

This iconic attraction, that can be found in almost every Disney castle park around the world (we are looking at you Shanghai Disneyland), takes the guests on a musical boat experience filled with hundreds children singing in different languages while wearing their national costumes. 

For this version of the rides, the Imagineers went back to the original 1964 concept that was used in the New York World's Fair, where the ride was built in one big building without any interior walls (the walls were included in the original Disneyland attraction), so we see a world without borders. It is also the only version of the ride where the music was completely rerecorded and enhanced by 'The London Philharmonic Orchestra'.

Get on a boat and sail from Paris to Asia. Meet Cleopatra, but also friends from Hawaï and Mexico, all singing this beautiful anthem, written by the Sherman Brothers. And remember: it's a Small World After All!

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