The Goons
The Goons serve Maleficent as henchmen in Sleeping Beauty. The Goons are simple-minded and carry out Maleficent’s will. They were instructed to find Princess Aurora but kept looking for a baby for sixteen years. When they found out Aurora was hidden at the cottage of the three good fairies, they made up a plan to capture her. By incident, they abducted Prince Phillip. Their arms were eventually transformed by the fairies into harmless entities. The Goons live on the Forbidden Mountain.
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Interaction Tips
- Ask the goons if they are still searching for a baby.
- Ask the goons how Maleficent is treating them lately.
- If the goons gives you instructions, make sure you follow them precisely.
Photo Tips
- Pose as if you’re thinking about an evil plan to capture princess Aurora because the Goons were instructed to find her.
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