Other names:
& 'Fa Mulan'
Ping is Mulan’s masculine alter ego. She ties her hair back, wears her father's armor and is ready to fight Shan Yu and the rest of the Huns with the skills she fiercely developed with the help of Captain Li Shang. Mulan rarely wear her armor at Disney Parks, but whenever she does, she looks incredible.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Walk up to Ping with your shoulders back, chest high, feet apart, head up and strut. That's how Mushu taught Ping to walk like a man.
- If Ping asks you what your name is, answer: 'Uh, I've got a name... and it's a boys name too', that's what she stumbles when Li Shang asks for her name for the first time.
- Ask Ping to show you his war face. That's what Mushu asks 'him' on her first day of camp.
- When you see Ping, tell 'him' in an overly manly voice, 'Ha, I see you have your sword with you, they are very manly and tough!'. That's what he said to practice his army voice
Photo Tips
- Make a typical chinese gesture with your right fist horizontally againtst your left palm
- Strike a warrior pose with one arm ahead, one behind and the index and middle finger up and together
Love interests
Friends and family
Alter egos
Other characters in their stories
parade appearances
meetandgreet appearances
dining appearances
brunch appearances
run appearances
selfiemeet appearances
Ping's regular looks

Ping - Regular Look - 1998-...
Ping - Regular Look - 1998-...
Ping - Regular Look - 1998-...
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