DLR - FrontierlandDLR - Disneyland Resort California

yippee-i-ay-i-ya, yippee-i-o, welcome to Frontierland!
Here the American West of the 19th centure comes back to life and you can hang out with cowboys and pioneers while searching for lost gold.
Take a relaxing trip around the Rivers of America on the Mark Twain Riverboat and the Sailing Ship Colombia, or go for a less relaxing ride on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, but beware: Locals tell that this gold mine is haunted by some ancient spirits!
Hungry? Don't worry: diner and lunch are always served at the Golden Horseshoe Cafe or the Rancho del Zolanco Restaurante.
At night, the rivers of America are transfering into a magical dream when Mickey, Minnie and a lot of Disney heroes and villains amaze you with a show you'll never forget: Fantasmic!
A lot of your favorite Disney friends might show up here in their best cowboy costumes! And who knows: you might spot some new South America friends like Miguel and Mirabel! Be sure you don't miss them!
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