Kronk is Yzma's hapless henchman. Despite working for Yzma as her helper, Kronk's actually a very nice person and isn't evil. Kronk has a short-tempered father named Papi. Kronk's revealed to be a great chef. He is capable of incredible superhuman athletics, such as running from a school to his house and back in mere seconds and running up a mountain while having a seat tied to his body with Yzma riding atop.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Ask Kronk to show you how to speak ''Squirel' He is an expert.
- Ask Kronk how it is to work for Yzma. Can't be easy...
- Kronk is sexy and he knows it. Ask him to show off his muscles.
- To assist Yzma in taking over Kuzco's throne.
Favorite sayings
- "Ri-ii-ight!!"
Friends and family
Other characters in their stories
run appearances
parade appearances
special appearances
meetandgreet appearances
Kronk's regular looks

Kronk's outfits

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