DLP - Castle CourtyardDLP - Disneyland Paris

When you exit Sleeping Beauty's Castle, you leave the world of Main Street behind and you enter the Medieval world of fairytales. Welcome to Fantasyland and Castle Courtyard.
Here you can find Excalibur, the sword in the stone, who is waiting for King Arthur, or maybe you, to pull him out. Have a try!
In need of a snack? The three fairies Flora, Fauna and Merryweather have opened their shop with lots of sweets! Have a look at 'La Confiserie des Trois Fées' and maybe you see them flying around!
But beware: Maleficent is always on the lookout. She may suddenly appear in the courtyard, especially during Halloween. Don't worry: she never brings her spinning wheel with her, so you're fine to have a talk and a photo with her!
Now it's time to explore the world of fairytales and go further into Fantasyland!
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