Sally Stitches
Sally Stitches is Jack Skellington’s lovely companion. She always has his best interest at heart and often limits what would be a catastrophe without her. Since Jack started to appear at Disney Parks she has often been seen by his side. They are so lovely together and Sally is even responsible for the Sandy Claws outfit Jack wears during the holiday season.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Ask Sally where you can find the best 'deadly night shade' to put a friend of yours to bed
- Ask Sally if she stitched her own outfit, she loves stitching
- Tell Sally that next time Jack thinks about taking over a holiday, he should listen to her.
- Sally is filled with leaves, bring some leaves to fill her up when she is feeling empty inside.
- Ask Sally if she's had any future sightings again
Photo Tips
- Pose with both hands to your heart, its what Sally does when she worries about Jack
- Make a scary pose to the camera together
Love interests
Other characters in their stories
parade appearances
run appearances
selfiemeet appearances
meetandgreet appearances
Autograph Source
Sally Stitches's regular looks

Sally Stitches - Regular Look - 1993-...
Sally Stitches - Regular Look - 1993-...
Sally Stitches - Regular Look - 1993-...

Sally Stitches - Winter Look - 1993-...
Sally Stitches - Winter Look - 1993-...
Sally Stitches - Winter Look - 1993-...
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