DLP - Valentine's Day BrunchDLP - Disneyland Paris |
- DLP - DLH - Inventions Restaurant
- 2016 Feb 14
Photo of the location
DLP - DLH - Inventions Restaurant
DLP - DLH - Inventions Restaurant
DLP - DLH - Inventions Restaurant
Main event
VIPs in themed outfits

Mickey Mouse in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2009 Outfit
Mickey Mouse in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2009 Outfit
Mickey Mouse in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2009 Outfit

Minnie Mouse in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2009 Outfit
Minnie Mouse in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2009 Outfit
Minnie Mouse in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2009 Outfit

Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー) in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2013 Outfit
Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー) in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2013 Outfit
Duffy the Disney Bear (ダッフィー) in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2013 Outfit

ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ) in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2013 Outfit
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ) in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2013 Outfit
ShellieMay the Disney Bear (シェリーメイ) in the DLP - Valentine's Day 2013 Outfit
Additional characters

Chip in the Regular Look - 1981-... Outfit
Chip in the Regular Look - 1981-... Outfit
Chip in the Regular Look - 1981-... Outfit

Dale in the Regular Look - 1981-... Outfit
Dale in the Regular Look - 1981-... Outfit
Dale in the Regular Look - 1981-... Outfit

Clarice in the Regular Look - 1955-... Outfit
Clarice in the Regular Look - 1955-... Outfit
Clarice in the Regular Look - 1955-... Outfit

Donald Duck in the Regular Look - 2002-... Outfit
Donald Duck in the Regular Look - 2002-... Outfit
Donald Duck in the Regular Look - 2002-... Outfit

Daisy Duck in the Regular Look - 2002-... Outfit
Daisy Duck in the Regular Look - 2002-... Outfit
Daisy Duck in the Regular Look - 2002-... Outfit

Goofy in the Regular Look - 1978-... Outfit
Goofy in the Regular Look - 1978-... Outfit
Goofy in the Regular Look - 1978-... Outfit

Max Goof in the Regular Look - 1995-... Outfit
Max Goof in the Regular Look - 1995-... Outfit
Max Goof in the Regular Look - 1995-... Outfit

Pluto in the Regular Look - 2005-... Short Tongue Outfit
Pluto in the Regular Look - 2005-... Short Tongue Outfit
Pluto in the Regular Look - 2005-... Short Tongue Outfit

Stitch with Lei in the Regular Look - 2013-... Lei Outfit
Stitch with Lei in the Regular Look - 2013-... Lei Outfit
Stitch with Lei in the Regular Look - 2013-... Lei Outfit

Lilo with Lei in the Regular Look - 2002-... with Lei Outfit
Lilo with Lei in the Regular Look - 2002-... with Lei Outfit
Lilo with Lei in the Regular Look - 2002-... with Lei Outfit
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