Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat first decided to get out of Wonderland and visit other humans, like Alice, in 2013. He was spotted in Disneyland Paris in a curious labyrinth. He's very unpredictable but has been seen greeting his fans from time to time, especially around Halloween season. He was also seen in some seasonal events there. It is unknown at this time where he might pop up next!
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Tell Cheshire Cat he has pretty eyes, tell him they are 'purrrfect' .
- Tell Cheshire cat, purple/pink is your favorite color.
- Cheshire Cat is *good* at giving directions; ask him to point out the way to the nearest tea party.
Friends and family
Other characters in their stories
parade appearances
run appearances
meetandgreet appearances
dining appearances
brunch appearances
special appearances
selfiemeet appearances
atmosphere appearances
show appearances
Autograph Source
Cheshire Cat's regular looks

Cheshire Cat - Regular Look - 2013 -...
Cheshire Cat - Regular Look - 2013 -...
Cheshire Cat - Regular Look - 2013 -...
Cheshire Cat's outfits

DLP - Once Upon a Dream Parade
DLP - Once Upon a Dream Parade
DLP - Once Upon a Dream Parade
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