Sample, also known as experiment 258, was smuggled on earth by Jamba along with the other experiments. He has since been living in Lilo’s home with everyone. His special power is to record random ambient noises and to play it back on repeat to his victims. He is not the most powerful experiment but definitely the most annoying. Besides appearing in the movie Leroy and Stitch,the Stitch TV series and providing beats to the band Fox Roswell, he also appeared in various events in Paris and Tokyo.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Sample is designed to annoy his victims by recording random sounds he hears through his nose/microphone so always be careful of what you say around him.
- Sample isone of the good guys so he definitely deserves a hug.
- Sample's name was given to him by Lilo and he much prefers is then experiment 258
Other characters in their stories
special appearances
meetandgreet appearances
run appearances
Sample's regular looks

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