Chewbacca is the male Wookiee who charmed the world from the first moment he appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Chewie, as he’s called by his friends, is known for his bravery and loyalty towards his friends and family. Chewbacca can be stubborn at times, but he always shows his feelings and passions. Chewbacca is known for his righteous conscience and intelligence. He’s a warrior with great strength, who would do anything to achieve his goal. Chewbacca is a skilled pilot and mechanic repairer. His favorite weapon is the bowcaster, which he can also make himself.
Meet & Greets | Appearances | Talking | Autographs | Starring roles |
Meet & Greets | Talking |
Appearances | Autographs |
Starring roles |
Interaction Tips
- Ask Chewbacca about all his adventures! Tell him yours too, as a warrior, he’ll love to hear about them.
- Ask Chewbacca if his rebel friends are doing okay.
- Ask Chewbacca to show you how strong he is!
- Ask Chewbacca about what conditioner he uses, as he his fur looks amazing.
- Make Chewbacca laugh, he has the most funny laugh of the entire galaxy.
Photo Tips
- Chewbacca is a warm-hearted Wookiee, give him a hug to show you’re his friend!
- Show you’re as strong as Chewie!
Other characters in their stories
show appearances
run appearances
meetandgreet appearances
selfiemeet appearances
Chewbacca's regular looks

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